Accessibility Statement
At Profinium we are committed to providing assistance to all our customers. We offer a range of solutions designed to ensure accessibility to our products and services, whether you're visiting us in person, online, or by telephone.
Our Commitment to Accessibility
For customers who may need special assistance, we have implemented various measures to expand and facilitate access to our services:
Branch Accessibility: Our branch locations are designed to be accessible to individuals with disabilities. Service animals are always welcome in any of our branch locations.
Online Accessibility: To ensure that our website and web applications are accessible and user-friendly, we strive to comply with the technical requirements of Level AA of the Web Content Accessibility Guidelines (WCAG) 2.0 and 2.1. These guidelines, developed by the World Wide Web Consortium’s Web Accessibility Initiative (WAI), set a universally accepted standard for web accessibility.
We routinely monitor our web pages through a third-party accessibility partner to maintain and improve accessibility. While we aim for full conformance with WCAG 2.1 Level AA, we acknowledge that complete site-wide conformance may not always be possible, particularly where third-party vendors are involved. As such, we claim partial conformance, as defined by WCAG Level AA 2.1.
We cannot guarantee the conformance of third-party plug-ins and widgets, which may be essential for certain functionalities on our site.
Additional Accommodations for Customers with Disabilities
Our goal is to provide reasonable accommodations to make banking more convenient for everyone. If you encounter any part of our site that does not meet Level AA of the WCAG or have difficulty accessing the information you need, we encourage you to contact us. We will respond promptly to any accessibility concerns.
To connect with us, please use one of these contact methods or complete the online inquiry form below.
- By telephone: dial 507-235-5538 or click/tap here to learn more about our telephone banking options.
- In person: Click/tap to view the branch location of your choice: Fairmont, Mankato, Owatonna, Truman
- Email us at Info@profinium.com
- Send us a letter at: Profinium Inc. 105 Lake Ave, Fairmont, MN 56031
Browser Compatibility
We strive to ensure that our website is compatible with modern browsers and assistive technologies. However, if you experience any issues, please do not hesitate to reach out.
Feedback Request Form
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